- CCAT: Multi-rate DSP for sub-mm astronomy: polyphase synthesis filter bank on FPGA for enhanced MKID readout
Xie, R., et al., Feb 2025, [arXiv] - Optical, mechanical, and detector developments for the Prime-Cam 850 GHz module
Huber, A., 2024 Thesis, University of Victoria - Wideband Frequency Comb Synthesizer on FPGA for Enhanced MKID Readout in Sub-mm Astronomy
Xie, R., 2024 Thesis, U. British Columbia - High-density photon-noise-limited multi-octave submillimeter kinetic inductance detectors for the Prime-Cam 850 GHz module
Huber, A.I., et al., Dec 2024 [IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity] - CCAT: LED Mapping and Charaterization of the 280 GHz TiN KID Array
Middleton, A., et al., Oct 2024 [arXiv] - [CII] line intensity mapping the epoch of reionization with the Prime-Cam on FYST. II. CO foreground masking based on an external catalog
Karoumpis, C., et al., Astronomy & Astrophysics, Nov 2024 - Dissertation: Superconducting Microwave Resonators for Cosmology and Astrophysics with CCAT
Duell, C.J., August 2024 - CCAT: Detector Noise Limited Performance of the based Readout Electronics for mm/sub-mm/far-IR KIDs
Sinclair, A.K., et al., SPIE Proc., 2024 - CCAT: FYST Prime-Cam Readout Software: A framework for massively scalable KID arrays
Burgoyne, J.R., et al., SPIE Proc., 2024
- Cross-correlation Techniques to Mitigate the Interloper Contamination for Line Intensity Mapping
Roy, A. and Battaglia, N., [arXiv] - LIMpy: A Semianalytic Approach to Simulating Multiline Intensity Maps at Millimeter
Roy, A., et al., [Astrophysical Journal] - Thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich measurements and cosmic infrared background leakage mitigation combining upcoming ground-based telescopes
Charmetant, M. and Erler, J., [arXiv] - A Foreground-Immune CMB-Cluster Lensing Estimator
Levy, K., et al., [arXiv] - LIMpy: A Semi-analytic Approach to Simulating Multi-line Intensity Maps at Millimetre Wavelengths
Roy, A., et al., [arXiv] - [CII] line intensity mapping surveys with FYST will constrain the models of star formation during and right after the epoch of reionization
Karoumpis, C., Physics and Chemistry of Star Formation: The Dynamical ISM Across Time and Spatial Scales. Proceedings of the 7th Chile-Cologne-Bonn Symposium, held 26-30 September, 2022 in Puerto-Varas, Chile [2023] - The Epoch-of-Reionization Spectrometer, EoR-Spec: A Spectrometer Instrument Module for Prime-Cam on FYST
Nikola, T., et al., Physics and Chemistry of Star Formation: The Dynamical ISM Across Time and Spatial Scales. Proceedings of the 7th Chile-Cologne-Bonn Symposium, held 26-30 September, 2022 in Puerto-Varas, Chile [2023] - Preliminary Laboratory Test for the Fred Young Sub-mm Telescope Holography
Ren, X., et al., Physics and Chemistry of Star Formation: The Dynamical ISM Across Time and Spatial Scales. Proceedings of the 7th Chile-Cologne-Bonn Symposium, held 26-30 September, 2022 in Puerto-Varas, Chile [2023] - The CCAT-prime Heterodyne Array Instrument (CHAI)
Graf, U.U., et al., Physics and Chemistry of Star Formation: The Dynamical ISM Across Time and Spatial Scales. Proceedings of the 7th Chile-Cologne-Bonn Symposium, held 26-30 September, 2022 in Puerto-Varas, Chile [2023] - The Cycling of Matter from the Interstellar Medium to Stars and back: The CCAT-prime Galactic Ecology project
Simon, R., et al., Physics and Chemistry of Star Formation: The Dynamical ISM Across Time and Spatial Scales. Proceedings of the 7th Chile-Cologne-Bonn Symposium, held 26-30 September, 2022 in Puerto-Varas, Chile [2023] - Superconductive devices for the CCAT-prime Heterodyne
Barrueto, I., et al., Physics and Chemistry of Star Formation: The Dynamical ISM Across Time and Spatial Scales. Proceedings of the 7th Chile-Cologne-Bonn Symposium, held 26-30 September, 2022 in Puerto-Varas, Chile [2023]
- CCAT-prime Collaboration: Science Goals and Forecasts with Prime-Cam on the Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope
CCAT-Prime Collaboration, [Astrophysical Journal Supp.] - CCAT-prime: Optical and cryogenic design of the 850 GHz module for Prime-Cam
Huber, A.I., et al., [arXiv] - CCAT-prime: The Optical Design for the Epoch of Reionization Spectrometer
Huber, Z.B., et al., [arXiv] - CCAT-prime: The 850 GHz camera for Prime-Cam on FYST
Chapman, S.C., et al., [arXiv] - CCAT-prime: RFSoC Based Readout for Frequency Multiplexed Kinetic Inductance Detectors
Sinclair, A.K., et al., [arXiv] - CCAT-prime: Design of the Mod-Cam receiver and 280 GHz MKID instrument module
Vavagiakis, E.M., et al., [arXiv] - CCAT-prime Collaboration: Science Goals and Forecasts with Prime-Cam on the Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope
CCAT-prime Collaboration, et al., [arXiv) - CCAT-prime: The Design and Characterization of the Silicon Mirrors for the Fabry-Perot Interferometer in the Epoch of Reionization Spectrometer
Zou, B., et al., [arXiv] - [CII] line intensity mapping the epoch of reionization with the Prince-Cam on FYST
Karoumpis, C., Magneli, B., Romani-Diaz, E., Haslbauer, M., Bertoldi, M., 2022 [Astronomy & Astrophysics] - Mapping the Universe in hydrogen deuteride
Breysse, P.C., Foreman, S., Keating, L.C., Meyers, J. and Murray, N., 2022 [Physical Review D] - Cross-correlations between mm-wave line-intensity mapping and
weak lensing surveys: preliminary consideration of long-term prospects
Chung, D.T., 2022, MNRAS [preprint] - Breaking the 10 mW/pixel Limit for Kinetic Inductance Detector Readout Electronics
Sinclair, A.K., et al., 32nd IEEE Int’l Symp on Space THz Technology (ISSTT 2022), [arXiv]
- [CII] line intensity mapping the epoch of reionization with the Prime-Cam on FYST
Karoumpis, C., et al., [arXiv] - CCAT-prime: Characterization of the First 280 GHz MKID Array for Prime-Cam
Choi, S.K. et al., [arXiv] - CCAT-prime Collaboration: Science Goals and Forecasts with Prime-Cam on the Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope
CCAT-Prime Collaboration, [arXiv] - Mapping the Universe in HD
Breysse, P.C., et al., [arXiv] - Optical design study for an 850 GHz commissioning camera module for CCAT-prime (Erratum)
Henke, D., et al., [SPIE Digital Library]
- The Design of the CCAT-prime Epoch of Reionization Spectrometer Instrument
Cothard, N.F., et al., 2020 [J. Low Temperature Physics] - Sensitivity of the Prime-Cam Instrument on the CCAT-Prime Telescope
Choi, S.K., et al., 2020 [J. Low Temperature Physics] - An automated and digital approach to manufacture complex, one-off composite structures
Brødsjø, A., Dekker, J., [SAMPE European Conf. 2020 Amsterdam-Netherlands] - CCAT-prime: Designs and status of the first light 280 GHz MKID array and mod-cam receiver
Duell, C., et al., 2020 [SPIE Digital Library] - A 350 micron camera module for the Prime-Cam instrument on CCAT-prime
Chapman, S.C., et al., 2020 [SPIE Digital Library] - Optical design study for the 860 GHz first-light camera module of CCAT-p
Henke, D., et al., 2020 [SPIE Digital Library]
White Papers
- Astro2020: The Cycling of Matter from the Interstellar Medium to Stars and back
Simon, R., et al., Astro2020 white paper [arXiv] - Astrophysics and Cosmology with Line-Intensity Mapping
Kovetz, E., et al., Astro2020 white paper [arXiv] - Tomography of the Cosmic Dawn and Reionization Eras with Multiple Tracers
Chang, T-C., et al., Astro2020 white paper [arXiv] - Cosmic Dawn and Reionization: Astrophysics in the Final Frontier
Cooray, A., et al., Astro2020 white paper [arXiv] - “SZ spectroscopy” in the coming decade: Galaxy cluster cosmology and astrophysics in the submillimeter
Basu, K. et al., Astro2020 white paper [arXiv] - The Future Landscape of High-Redshift Galaxy Cluster Science
Mantz, A.B., et al., Astro2020 white paper [arXiv] - Probing Feedback in Galaxy Formation with Millimeter-wave Observations
Battaglia, N., et al., Astro2020 white paper [arXiv] - A High-resolution SZ View of the Warm-Hot Universe
Mroczkowski, T., et al., Astro2020 white paper [arXiv] - Messengers from the Early Universe: Cosmic Neutrinos and Other Light Relics
Green, D., et al., Astro2020 white paper [arXiv] - Primordial Non-Gaussianity
Meerburg, P.D., et al., Astro2020 white paper [arXiv] - The case for a ’sub-millimeter SDSS’: a 3D map of galaxy evolution to z 10
Geach, J.E., et al., Astro2020 white paper [arXiv] - Cold Gas Outflows, Feedback, and the Shaping of Galaxies
Bolatto, A.D., et al., Astro2020 white paper [arXiv] - The Cycling of Matter from the Interstellar Medium to Stars and back
Simon, R., et al., Astro2020 white paper [arXiv] - The warm and dense Galaxy – tracing the formation of dense cloud structures out to the Galactic Center
Stanke, T., et al., Astro2020 white paper [arXiv]
- Sensitivity of the Prime-Cam Instrument on the CCAT-Prime Telescope
Choi, S.K., et al., 2019 [J. Low Temperature Physics] - B-mode Targets
Kallosh, R. and Linde, A., 2019, [ScienceDirect]
White Papers
- The CCAT-Prime Submillimeter Observatory
Aravena, M. et al., Astro2020 white paper [arXiv]
- Optimizing measurements of cluster velocities and temperatures for CCAT-prime and future surveys
Mittal, A., et al., 2018 [J. Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics] - Planck’s view on the spectrum of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect
Erler, J., Basu, K., Chluba, J., Bertoldi, F., 2018 [Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society] - Optimizing measurements of cluster velocities and temperatures for CCAT-prime and future surveys
Mittal, A., de Bernardis, F., Niemack, M.D., 2018 [J. Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics] - CCAT-prime: Science with an Ultra-widefield Submillimeter Observatory at Cerro Chajnantor
Stacey, G.J. et al., 2018 [SPIE Digital Library] - Prime-Cam: A first-light instrument for the CCAT-prime telescope
Vavagiakis, E.M. et al., 2018 [SPIE Digital Library] - CCAT-prime: A novel telescope for submillimeter astronomy
Parshley, S.C. et al., 2018 [SPIE Digital Library] - The optical design of the six-meter CCAT-prime and Simons Observatory telescopes
Parshley, S.C. et al., 2018 [SPIE Digital Library] - Optimizing the efficiency of Fabry-Perot interferometers with silicon-substrate mirrors
Cothard, N.F., et al., 2018 [SPIE Digital Library]
- Line-Intensity Mapping: 2017 Status Report
Kovetz, E.D. et al., 2017 [arXiv]
- Designs for a large-aperture telescope to map the CMB 10x faster
Niemack, M.D., Applied Optics, Vol. 55(7), pp. 1688-1696, 2016 [Applied Optics] - The CCAT 25m-class Submillimeter Telescope
Fich, M. and CCAT Team, American Astronomical Society Meeting #227, id. 146.03 [SPIE Digital Library] - The CCAT Observatory: Science and Facility
Stacey, G.J., Bertoldi, F., Magnelli, B., Stutzki, J., Schilke, P., Glenn, J., Bally, J., Giovanelli, R., Riechers, D., Karim, A., and Plume, R., Conditions and Impact of Star Formation, Edited by R. Simon, R. Schaaf and J. Stutzki, EAS Publications Series, Vol. 75-76, 2016, pp. 419-425 [EAS Publication Series]
PhD Theses
- Superconducting Microwave Resonators for Cosmology and Astrophysics with CCAT
A Dissertation by Cody Duell, Aug 2024 - Measuring the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effects with current and future observatories
A Dissertation by Eve M. Vavagiakis, Aug 2021 - Cryogenic optics and detectors for next-generation microwave cosmology and astrophysics observatories
A Dissertation by Nicholas F. Cothard, Aug 2021